WordReference.com dictionaries

by WordReference.com



The power of WordReference.com on your phone: English to Spanish, French, etc.

Note: for users of Android 7.1 and earlier, update to the latest version to get the app working again.The app of the worlds most popular and powerful dictionary translation website. It grants you quick access to our extensive dictionaries and forum discussions.WordReference.coms dictionaries:English to SpanishEnglish to FrenchEnglish to ItalianEnglish to GermanEnglish to PortugueseEnglish to PolishEnglish to RomanianEnglish to CzechEnglish to GreekEnglish to TurkishEnglish to JapaneseEnglish to ChineseEnglish to KoreanEnglish to ArabicSpanish to FrenchSpanish to PortugueseEnglish definitionsSpanish definitionsItalian definitionsConjugators:Spanish conjugatorFrench conjugatorItalian conjugatorEnglish conjugatorForums contain over 2 million questions and answers about English and translation. Your questions have already been answered.NOTE: Requires internet access.WordReference provides online dictionaries, not an auto-translator! You cant enter an entire sentence for translation.WordReference is often misspelled as "Word Reference" in searches.Bug fixes